About Me

I'm an adjunct assistant professor of First-Year Writing at George Washington University and (as of the fall) adjunct professor of English at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. I've also taught in the English department at Georgetown (from 2006 to mid-2012). I've been teaching literature and writing at the university level since August 1999.

I've recently published Faulkner and Hemingway: Biography of a Literary Rivalry (Facebook) and an essay on Ralph Ellison and Hemingway for the collection Hemingway and the Black Renaissance. See https://ohiostatepress.org/ for more information on both books.

I'm using this blog--my first--as a companion to the Faulkner classes I'm running at Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, DC (http://www.politics-prose.com/william-faulkner-1930s-0). I also want this to be a place to reflect on my evolving reading of Faulkner, on the differences between this class and my academic teaching, and on his continuing importance. I've read, enjoyed, and been challenged by Faulkner since I first read "The Old People" in spring 1996.

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