Friday, June 29, 2012

A Day of Links

Another class (Light in August, Day 1), another rich conversation.

Today, though, I'm in more of a link-sharing frame of mind. Here are some critical and biographical works that can help unpack some of Light in August. All should be available via GoogleBooks, the library, and/or interlibrary loan:

David Minter, William Faulkner: His Life and Work, Chap. 6 pgs. 129-32
Joseph Blotner, Faulkner, Chap. 32 pgs. 299-312
Daniel Singal, William Faulkner: The Making of a Modernist, Chap. 7
Jay Parini, One Matchless Time, Chap. 6 pgs. 178-83
Michael Millgate, ed., New Essays on Light in August

Apropos of our discussion of the racial tensions and ambiguities of Light in August is this recent New York Times piece on Absalom, Absalom!:

I'm also pleased to announce that I'll be teaching another class at Politics & Prose in the fall, beginning Thursday September 13. This one will concentrate on three later works: Go Down, Moses (1942), The Mansion (1959), and The Reivers (1962):

I'm eager to take another trip to Yoknapatawpha with another group of students.

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