Saturday, June 9, 2012

Faulkner on Film: HBO and James Franco

This isn't really new information, but apparently Faulkner's works will be (or are being...) adapted for numerous films:

HBO (via David Milch of Deadwood and NYPD Blue fame):

James Franco:

My hopes are high for both of these--although Faulkner's works can be pretty resistant to filming for a broad audience. Franco (despite being a bit quirky and "celebrity") gave a great performance in Milk and (from what I've heard) 127 Hours. I'm wondering how he'll handle the interiority and free indirect discourse of As I Lay Dying's 15 narrators. I also find myself wondering who'll be cast in the roles. Maybe Hailee Steinfeld (of the recent remake True Grit) could be Dewey Dell.

The Faulkner film I know the most is the 1969 version of The Reivers with Steve McQueen. It had flaws and strengths, as many adaptations do.

Let's think about it: What 1 Faulkner work would you most like to see adapted into a film?

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